Recruitment – Support Member
What do I need to become mountain rescue support member?
- An interest in the outdoors and understand the purposes of mountain rescue
- Be committed, determined, and flexible
- Be a good team player
What does a support member do?
All members of a mountain rescue team are volunteers, and it takes great commitment to train, remain qualified and be on operational standby 365 days a year. Support members take on many tasks and roles outside operations which are needed for the charity to function. This frees up operational members to focus on training and maintain a high skill level in readiness for call outs.
What roles and tasks can a support member do?
Support members are involved a vast range of tasks including acting a casualty, equipment checks, ordering stores, planning fundraising events, getting quotes and estimates, and delivering stores and vehicles between sections. Some members are appointed or elected to committees and have voting rights to make decisions for the good and benefit of the team. Roles can be an elected trustee which includes the position for chair, secretary, and treasurer. You can be appointed as a team officer with a specific role such as fundraising, statistics, equipment, or public relations. We are particularly keen to hear from those with skills in media, fundraising and public relations.
We believe that our team should be representative or our community and many of these roles are suitable for those who may not be physically able or have the time to be an operational member but have skills, knowledge and more importantly commitment and enthusiasm to be part of our charity. The work is extremely rewarding, and you will form a strong bond with other members who are as equally dedicated.
Where can I get more information?
More information about the North West Mountain Rescue Team, their training and activities can be found on their website www.nwmrt.org or facebook.com/northwestmrt
Alternative if you wish to speak with the Chair, Stephen Forest
How do I join?
We recruit support members all year round and you can request an application form by emailing secretary@nwmrt.org